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September 1, 2023 - Matthew 26-28

Writer: George MartinGeorge Martin

The chief priests and the elders plotted against Jesus in order to arrest him and kill him: “But they said, ‘Not during the feast, lest there be an uproar among the people’” (26:4). They have to time that thing just right, don’t they? Can’t interrupt the people’s routine and special celebration; they might be upset at being bothered. Better to look for a time when everyone is busy about other things and not paying attention; then, they’ll strike. What’s the old saying about the deeds of darkness done in the dark?

Judas “sought an opportunity to betray him” (26:16). Scheming. Conniving. Devious. Satan is moving. He seems to be in command of all his minions and directing everything toward his desired end. But, was he?

Meantime, Jesus is teaching his disciples about his upcoming death. He eats supper with them and tells them what is about to happen. He knows that Peter will deny him. He prayed. He walked straight to the cross. Was Satan really in charge here? I don’t think so!

Pilate even sealed the tomb and set his soldiers on guard. The enemies of Jesus had warned that the disciples might plot to steal the body of Jesus and promote a fraud. What? Pilate thought he could prevail? The evil one thought his schemes could be successful? But then, there were those words of the angel: “He is not here, for he is risen” (28:6). Ha! What had been foretold has now taken place! God intended to redeem, and now he has redeemed!

Alleluia! Sing to Jesus;

His the scepter, His the throne.

Alleluia! His the triumph,

His the victory alone.

Hark! The songs of peaceful Zion

thunder like a mighty flood:

“Jesus out of every nation

has redeemed us by His blood.” -- W. Chatterton Dix (1866)


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