We live in a fallen and even dangerous world. Reading the news headlines and listening to the TV pundits, one could easily become discouraged and even depressed. In fact, I am constantly reading or hearing about studies that show large percentages of Americans suffer from depression. Could it be that their eyes are too much on the world and the voices that tell them how bad they have it? John has the solution: “For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world -- our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? This is he who came by water and blood -- Jesus Christ; not by the water only but by the water and the blood. And the Spirit is the one who testifies, because the Spirit is the truth” (5:4-6). Our faith is not some sort of empty vessel, as is asserted by those in the world. It is a sure confidence in the promises of our God, promises both present and future. And those promises, we declare to all, sustain us, give us hope, and keep us from falling into depressive states like so many of our neighbors.
Encamped along the hills of light,
Ye Christian soldiers, rise
And press the battle ere the night
Shall veil the glowing skies.
Against the foe in vales below
Let all our strength be hurled;
Faith is the victory, we know,
That overcomes the world.
Faith is the victory!
Faith is the victory!
Oh, glorious victory
That overcomes the world. -- John Henry Yates (1891)