I must be honest. I quickly glanced over today’s chapters that lay out the boundaries of the tribal lands. I mean, how excited do we get about survey lines? But even here there are stories of great interest, not to mention a reminder of God’s faithfulness to do all he promises: Achsah and Caleb and the springs of water, fulfillment of the promise of Moses to Manasseh for land to the east of the Jordan River, Joseph’s complaint that they were not getting a fair shake, and the relocating of Dan. I was thinking about all this. Even with the tediousness (May I say that?) of “[The territory] continues in the north . . . the boundary turns to . . . reaching to . . . then the boundary turns to . . . and it ends at the sea” we understand the importance of these details. Furthermore, year after year, reading the stories, well, they become like old friends in whom we take delight: "Yes, I have read that story before but what joy is mine in reading it, again." The stories just become more and more precious over time. It’s the familiarity! They are like old friends! It’s sort of like the contrast between friends who remain close by and those who move far away. Those whom we see regularly are just parts of our lives, and we find joy and encouragement in their presence. Those who move to the other side of the continent, oh, we might keep up with them and even exchange an email here and there. But the situation is sort of like those who respect the Bible, pick it up occasionally, carry it to church, and even read it when circumstances demand it. But there’s no great joy experienced. For those who remain in the Word of God, it is not distant nor is it just a religious book, it and its stories are like old friends whom we love to visit and spend time with even when reading “The boundary turns . . .”
Tell me the story slowly,
That I may take it in -
That wonderful redemption,
God's remedy for sin.
Tell me the story often,
For I forget so soon;
The early dew of morning
Has passed away at noon.
Tell me the old, old story;
Tell me the old, old story,
Tell me the old, old story
Of Jesus and His love. --Kate Hankey (1866)