The Ark demonstrates the holiness of God in disparity to the holiness of man. This is most clear in the story of Uzzah transporting the Ark of the Covenant (1 Chron 13:7-11; cf. 2 Sam 6:3-8). The Ark was the dwelling place of the Lord, where He agreed to meet His people (Exod 25:22). In the time of David, the Ark was to be moved to Jerusalem. 1 Chron 13:9 and 2 Samuel 6:6 indicate that Uzzah, one of the men transporting the Ark, reached out to steady the Ark when the oxen carrying it stumbled and nearly overturned it. However, the supposed accidental nature of the event did not give him an excuse, for 2 Sam 6:7 says, “. . . God struck him down there for his irreverence . . .”
This may concern some as it does not seem just or consistent with the character of the Lord to strike someone down for a mere accident. This likely happened because of Uzzah’s negligence as indicated by the word “irreverence.” He was at fault for not being concerned enough with the honor of the Lord to take proper precautions when transporting His holy vessel. It is as John Owen said, “When we are inadvertent and negligent where we are bound to watchfulness and carefulness, that inadvertency does not take off from the voluntariness of what we do thereupon.” Thus, Uzzah was considered “irreverent.” This caused David and should cause us to tremble and fear the Lord who is Holy (1 Chron 13:12; cf. 2 Sam 6:9).
However, we do not need to fear entering the presence of the Lord if we have been declared righteous through faith in Christ. We can enter directly into the presence of God to worship, pray and dwell for eternity through our great high priest.