Psalm 3 is a desperate prayer from a desperate man! Notice the anguish of David in verses one and two. He’s lonely and desperate, but he is not hopeless. David cries out to God amid his anguish, reminding himself of the attributes of the Lord. Take note of how he describes our God.
- God is his shield, his glory, and the one who uplifted him (v.3).
- God is the one who answered his prayers (v.4).
- God is the one who sustained him (v.5).
- God is the one who gave him salvation (v.8).
When you are experiencing anguish, brothers and sisters, remember you are not hopeless! Like David, recite the characteristics and attributes of God to yourself. Remember to “meditate” on the law of God day and night (Psalm 1). Remember the amazing gospel, that God has rescued you in Jesus Christ!
If you don’t know where to start, spend time reflecting on Nahum 1:7:
The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him.
Our Lord and God,
We are completely desperate and hopeless without you.
You have not left us hopeless but have given us Jesus.
Thank you for your cross, Jesus.