Do not let anyone ever tell you the bible or the history of the Christian faith is a boring one. Let me tell you this story. The grandson of Jehoshaphat, Ahaziah was an evil King over Judah. He dies and his mother Athaliah takes over the kingship as Queen. This is not England. Queens do not do this. But the plot thickens. The daughter of the previous King, Jehoram (2 kings ago and a bad king), takes and hides the son of Ahaziah. His name is Joash. Joash is the rightful hear to Ahaziah’s throne, not his mother Athaliah. Joash is made King. He is the boy King at the young age of 7. Evil Queen Athaliah loses it and cries “Coup!”, “Insurrection!”, “Treason!”. Athaliah is put to death and the boy King Joash rules.
King Joash was counseled well by the priest Jehoiada. Under Jehoiada’s counsel, the King rebuilt the temple and the worship of God flourished. The priest Jehoiada dies and the boy King Joash turns away from the ways of the Lord and it does not end well for him. It goes without saying that it does not go well for those that turn away from the Lord. There is a heavy responsibility on our leaders to lead well. This is why it was so important for the King to write a copy of the Law of God and to read it to the people. The King is meant to lead according to the word of God. Romans 13 tells us that the King is a servant of God. A servant of God ought to know the will of God so that he can serve him properly. Boy King Joash shows us that faithfulness leads to peace but sinfulness leads to death. This is a good word for us.
Another, point I think we should spend some time to think about is how ought we to think about the decisions we make? Why was it good that Joash listened to the advice of Jehoiada and why was it bad that Joash turned away from the Lord? The basis of right and wrong, the basis of our decisions is the Word of God. God is good and he tells us what is right and wrong. Our feelings do not decide what is right or wrong. People giving us advice do not determine what is right or wrong but what God has said in his Word tells us what is right or wrong. So Christian, read your bible. Pray to God. Discern the will of God through his Word. Live your life according to his revealed Word. Always ask yourself, "By what standard?" We all live and act according to a standard. Make your standard the Word of God.