“Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people, from this time forth and forevermore” (125:1-2). “Like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved” . . . Wow! Charles Spurgeon commented, “As the Lord sits King forever, so do his people sit enthroned in perfect peace when their trust in him is firm. This is, and is to be our portion; we are, we have been, we shall be as steadfast as the hill of God. Zion cannot be removed, and does not remove; so the people of God can neither be moved passively nor actively, by force from without or fickleness from within. Faith in God is a settling and establishing virtue; he who by his strength sets fast the mountains, by that same power stays the hearts of them that trust in him. This steadfastness will endure ‘forever,’ and we may be assured therefore that no true believer shall perish either in life or in death, in time or in eternity. We trust in an eternal God, and our safety shall be eternal.”
Unshaken as the sacred hills,
And fix’d as mountains stand;
Firm as a rock the soul shall rest
That trusts th’ Almighty hand.
Not walls nor hills could guard so well
Fair Salem’s happy ground,
As these eternal arms of love
That ev’ry saint surround.
Do good, O Lord, do good to those
Who cleave to thee in heart,
Who on thy truth alone repose,
Nor from thy law depart. –Isaac Watts (1740)