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June 17, 2021 – Daniel 7-12

Writer: George MartinGeorge Martin

These chapters relate the visions seen by Daniel, the first being of the four beasts. In the midst of the scene, Daniel reports, “As I looked, thrones were placed, and the Ancient of Days took his seat” (7:9 ). Another vision, during the reign of Belshazzar, had Daniel seeing the ram. Daniel also came to understand the 70 years prophecy of Jeremiah, i.e., that the exile would last 70 years. A man clothed in linen, Persia and Greece, the kings of the north and the south, and the word about the end of the days. And in the midst of all this, the Ancient of Days sits and places his Son over all. Blessed are those who wait for him!

So much going on in the prophecies of Daniel and in the world. So many dangers and threats but, also, so many assurances to God’s people. My seminary Old Testament professor (for all who might wonder, this was a long time ago 😊), Dr. Thomas Delaughter, gave us three big take-aways from the book of Daniel (had to go back and look these up from my notes), which are always good to reflect on.

1) It is inevitable that the church should suffer because of her stand against evil.

2) In any emergency God is able to make a way of escape for his people.

3) The kingdom of God is certain to triumph over all attempts to destroy it.

In moments of doubt and of trials severe,

And of sorrows so hard to endure;

This thought to my heart

Bringeth comfort and cheer:

The foundation of God standeth sure.

Sure! Sure! Sure, ever sure!

The foundation of God standeth sure!

No matter what forces of evil abound,

God’s kingdom shall ever endure! -- Edmund S. Lorenz


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