Have you ever wanted to say to someone who doubted you, “I told you so!” This would be a perfect spot for God to say to Abraham and Sarah, “I told you so!” God’s promises are sure even when doubts and fears assail. Fearful of Pharaoh and Abimelech, the dangers found in Sodom and Gomorrah, the shenanigans of Abram and Sarai and Hagar because of impatience and doubt, Abraham would understand that the covenant stood and nothing could derail God’s promises. It took years and many experiences for Abraham, as for us, to fully trust God. Commanded to sacrifice his son, Isaac, Abraham assured his men that he and Isaac would return from sacrificing to the Lord, and the Lord provided the sacrifice in Isaac’s place. “So Abraham called the name of that place, ‘The Lord will provide,’ as it is said to this day, ‘On the mount of the Lord it shall be provided’” (22:14). How often our faith weakens, and we need to be reminded, over and over again, of God’s faithfulness.
When doubt and fear assail me,
And bend my spirit low,
I know there is a Saviour,
To whom I e’er can go;
He’s promised to be with me,
No matter what betide;
Till some day when he’ll call me
To sit down at his side.
I’ll wait, I’ll wait,
I’ll wait for the coming of the King,
And then I’ll go to where the harps of angels ring;
Around the throne in songs of praise I’ll ever sing,
Hallelujah evermore,
Praise the mighty King! --C. Austin Miles (1906)