“The word of the Lord that came to Micah of Moresheth” (1:1). You know, the Lord uses ordinary people to accomplish his purposes, and here's another example of the same: “Micah of Moresheth.” Micah who? From where? Just an old country boy. But how powerfully did he speak to his people, using their language, and using illustrations and stories from the farm and vineyard that they would understand! God picked just the right man to speak to this audience.
Micah spoke to the people of the small towns and farms and countryside. But he also spoke to the “heads of Jacob and rulers of the house of Israel” (3:1,9). All, from the most powerful to the most impoverished, must hear the word of the Lord and respond. He spoke “concerning the prophets” (3:5). Micah addressed the nations (4:1-5). But just as all peoples are brought under obligation to the Lord and his word, so all peoples will find hope in Micah’s God. Indeed, let all say, “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob, that he may teach us his ways and that we may walk in his paths” (4:2).
Behold! the mountain of the Lord
in latter days shall rise
on mountain tops above the hills,
and draw the wondering eyes.
To this the joyful nations round,
all tribes and tongues, shall flow;
up to the hill of God, they’ll say,
and to his house we'll go. -- John Logan; Author: Michael Bruce (1796)