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January 4, 2021 – Genesis 29-31

Now, all the trickery and deceit in Jacob’s dealings with Laban; wow! Might it be that the promises of God given to Abraham and eventually passed down to Jacob might, now, be in jeopardy? For someone standing in the midst of all those happenings, it would have been easy, I think, to answer, “Sure looks like the end of the road. Everyone and everything seems to be conspiring against Jacob.” And, then, the reunion with his brother, Esau, and all the dangers that meeting held, still remained before Jacob. Perhaps the promises were made in vain?

Well, the first challenge was handled, and God was proved to be capable and faithful. The episodes with Laban ended: “Early in the morning Laban arose and kissed his grandchildren and his daughters and blessed them. Then Laban departed and returned home” (Gen. 31:55). The reunion with Esau awaits. I betcha, just betcha, that the God of Jacob will be shown to be faithful, once again.


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