Dr. George Martin
Pastor George has served in his current role as Pastor at Baxter Avenue Baptist Church since October 2018. He and his amazing wife, Donna, can testify of the faithfulness and the great love that the people of Baxter have for the gospel and for one another, having been so quickly and warmly received themselves. Dr. Martin comes to his current role after serving alongside Donna in Southeast Asia with the Southern Baptist International Mission Board, full-time pastoral ministry, numerous interim pastorates and, now, twenty-five years as Professor of Christian Missions and World Religions at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he continues to serve.

Josh Pittman
Josh and Andy arrived at Baxter in the spring of 2019 and he was ordained as a Pastor in August of 2023. Originally from Southern California, he received his M.Div. in 2022 and is currently a Ph.D student in Old Testament at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. In his free time he enjoys walking the neighborhood with his family, playing/watching sports, and playing with his energetic daughter.

Westte Williams
Westte & Windy Williams, along with their children, Zaiah, Saeyen, & Abishai, arrived at Baxter Avenue Baptist Church (BABC) in 2019, all the way from Cedar Creek Baptist Church (CCBC), a sister church in Louisville. CCBC, always known as a sending church to the nations, committed to partnering with BABC by providing support, resources, and people, and the Williams family have been 'on mission' ever since. In August of 2023, Westte was ordained and called as pastor where he, alongside Windy & the entire Williams clan, are blessed beyond measure to share in the greatest work known to man, the ministry of reconciliation: we lovingly declare that, "Forgiveness is available through Christ."

Ethan Bauer
Ethan and his wife Hannah have been members of Baxter since 2012. They have been blessed with five energetic children. In his free time, Ethan loves to watch sports and coach his sons. He serves as a Deacon and is on the Building and Facilities team.

Chris Herron
Chris and his family came to Baxter in 2006. As a faithful member, Chris serves as a Deacon
and the church treasurer. Chris has a heart for ministry and serving others with his time and resources.

Matt Smith
Matthew first came to Baxter in the summer of 2019. He got married to his lovely wife Maddie in 2021, with whom he now serves Baxter Avenue Baptist Church in a variety of ways. He is currently a Deacon at Baxter and also studies at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He enjoys spending time outdoors, especially hiking and fishing.